Introducing Next-Gen Builder: A Build Automation Tool for Open Source Projects

January 18, 2024

Builder is here to make it easy to test Open-Source Software OR to get your software Production ready.

What is Builder? 

Builder is an open source, multi-language, build automation tool with transparent logs and metadata tied to each build. It's the only build tool that allows you to pass in a repo and build your project, while getting extensive metadata tied to your shippable product. There's no need to frantically track down build info if something goes wrong. Know who built it, in what directory, on what machine, at what time. Our motto, "Never not know again," encapsulates this ethos perfectly.

We developed Builder, an open-source build automation tool, to tackle the challenges we faced in modern software development. Working with a global team of developers, each using different methods and tools, made merging code complex, especially with constant updates. We also had to deal with older systems and the latest cloud technologies. Our goal with Builder was to make things easier and faster for developers. We wanted to create a tool that helps you focus on building great software without getting bogged down by these complexities.

Think of it like this: building software is like putting together a puzzle. With a small puzzle, it's easy to fit the pieces together by hand. But imagine if your puzzle has thousands of pieces. Suddenly, it's a huge challenge to keep track of where each piece goes and in what order.

In coding, small projects are like small puzzles. A developer can handle the compiling and linking of code without much trouble. But when projects get bigger, with more code and dependencies, it's like facing a massive puzzle. Keeping track of what to compile first, what depends on what, and making sure everything is current can be overwhelming.

This is where Builder, our build automation tool, comes in. Think of Builder as your expert guide for these large puzzles. It automatically compiles and links your code in the right order, making sure every part is exactly where it should be. This helps prevent mistakes and makes the whole process more consistent.

For big projects, using Builder is like having an expert puzzle partner. It ensures that your large software project is put together perfectly every time.

At the heart of Builder, we believe:

  • Building software should be simple, not complicated.
  • It should be fun, not a chore.
  • It's an integral part of the process, not an afterthought.

Builder is more than just a tool. It's a key part of how you create software. It turns the complexities of software development into a streamlined, enjoyable journey. With Builder, you leave behind the cumbersome old ways of building software and step into a new era of simplicity and efficiency.

Checkout our latest video of how Builder works!

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